Sunday, September 5, 2010

Really Busy Lately..

I have been working on "Untitled Project" for a while. Aka "The program that makes other websites and stuff". I hope I can finish it soon, but I'll keep you guys updated.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Working on user content website design program..

I decided that i am going to  write an entire program(and maybe sell it), that can make a user contents websites. It will be able to let a user create a website, which will be COMPLETELY customizable and made up of what i call ABS. ABS means ADDON-BASED-SYSTEM. That measn that literally EVERYTHING is made up of either addons, static html, or template files. I will update more later. Righ now i am in Alabama trying not to use my computer...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Website will take longer..

My website is going to take longer than originaly expected, because instead of making my website, i am making a game website creator that i may end up selling, with which i will make my website. Wait a couple more months people! I may still need beta testers though. Until then, i will revert my website back to the original.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Want to reserve YOUR name?

Have you ever tried to register at a website and the username you want is already taken? Well, you can reserve your username by commenting under this post, or on my Facebook account. Please don't use numbers in your username! It can be what ever you want and there are no users currently(except for me, geekman) Also, If you want to Beta test my site, Comment too! I need all the help i can get!

Hang in There!

We are working on the new design for the website and the site should be back up by the 10th of August. We are implementing some cool features and we think you will love them. You will be able to create an account, earn and manage Doodle points, Comment on games, rate games and comments, create a doodlebug, save scores for games, and have loads of fun! If we get enough people to sign up after we release it, we may install a chat system for the game pages!


Welcome to the official blog! We will be posting as often as possible. Thanks for coming!